In English

 And on Christmas Eve 2016, the weather gods struck  ...

The just finished chicken farm, that supposed to bring jobs and food  to the people of Breaside, was completely destroyed by a tornado. Where in January the first chicken would have had  a good and healthy shelter, is now a ruin of which only the foundation is still usable.

But we don’t give up ... this project has to start

simply because it is a very good project and is so desperately needed!

What we need to start over again:

New barn + contents + solar panels with accessories


So far, we have financed the project from our own funds but as the tornado roared through the country, he raced through the wallet. Humble but especially thankful we now need to ask support from family, friends and anyone else who feels attracted to this project.

Every donated cent contributes to structural life improvement, development and self-sufficiency in the long term, for a large group of people who want to work hard and make the best out of life, but didn’t get any chance so far.

Via social media and our newspage, we will keep everyone informed of developments, you get acquainted with the inhabitants of the village and show how everyday life actually looks like.


Questions, suggestions, comments, opinions, action plans are welcome..!

Gratefully yours,

Jimmy & Assia

Information about the projects

Zimbabwe, a beautiful country with friendly, friendly people but plagued by sheer poverty. An unemployment rate above 90%, food shortages caused by 10 years of extreme drought making life for people here far from easy. Especially in the 'rural areas' poverty is painfully obvious. No electricity, no water, children can not attend school because their parents can not afford it and a meal consisting of maize porridge with only on a very good day a piece of chicken. Also this year harvests are threatened to fail. This time by an abundance of rain that drowns the crops. Only additional fertilizing can counteract the loss, however, by a lack of proper fertilization and the high prices, this is not for the common man.

But Zimbabwe also offers opportunities. These capabilities, combined with the aim to create opportunities for the local population have made us decide to stay here and start projects. We are perched at Breaside, a small village where 60 families live, about 15km from Chinhoyi. The projects that we launch must meet three main values; generate employment  within this community + food + long term solutions. The profits from the projects will be invested in;

  • Setting up new projects - creating more jobs
  • Education, education and again education, focusing on young people;  
    • sponsoring education - education for every child
    • training small-scale agriculture and animal farming
    • how to deal with money
    • sex education (Zimbabwe has four million HIV infections in a population of 12 million, still there are too many myths circulating about this disease and other STDs.)
  • clean water and sanitation - by the lack of it, there are regularly outbreaks of typhoid and cholera.

Current projects

In November we started independently  the first two projects. Delivering high quality is paramount. Strive for that high quality requires more intensive work which results in more jobs .


  • Planting 14 hectares of maize


      • The rent of 6 ha of land, we pay in one hectare of maize. The whole family of the land owner can eat a year long from this .
      • Processing and harvesting is done by hand. This provides employment for +/- 20 people.


  • Breeding chickens (to rebuild)
  • Breeding of 1200 broilers  in a friendly environment with optimal care.
  • This yields the following jobs in: cleaning - caretaking - Night surveillance - catch - slaughter - picking - sale.



In the pipeline.

With income from the chicken breeding project we’ll start project 3; cheesemaking.

Almost every family has cattle and goats. So far they don’t  use the milk. The people will get paid by selling the milk and we need employs to make the cheese. There is no good cheese on the marked yet. We will offer our cheese to stores in the city in local markets. Personally, as a born cheesehead, I can not wait to get started. ;)



We prefer to pay part of the salary in products that provide the most important necessities of life such as rice, pasta, cooking oil, flour, chicken, cabbage and soap that we buy in the city. Equipped with the ticket one can exactly see the value. This in agreement but experience shows that one finds this a very pleasant option. This method of payment is the result of several incidents which showed that it is very difficult for some people to deal with money. So bought a guy that works for us a new bicycle for $ 80. Two days later he sold it for $ 15, because he needed $ 15 at that time ..


Management and finances

We manage all our projects ourselves and are always present. Jimmy is born here, knows the culture and society well and speaks the language. He is an easy point of contact for everyone. He is experienced in the field of agriculture. The finances are completely in our control to avoid loses to middle men and spendings in the wrong way.  Every single penny has to be used in the right way - for the projects.